Maximum Bob is a television comedy/drama based on Elmore Leonard’s 1991 novel, that aired in August and September 1998 on ABC. It aired in NYPD Blue’s time slot during the summer and, even though ABC shopped it around after the first run, the show was not picked up for another season or ever released on DVD. Garret appeared in three episodes as Deputy Dawson Hayes.
Beau Bridges stars as Judge “Maximum” Bob Gibbs, czar of the courtroom in the tiny Florida town of Deep Water. His wife is former aquarium mermaid Leanne Lancaster (Kiersten Warren), currently working as a psychic possessed by 12-year-old Wanda Grace (RaeVen Larrymore-Kelly), a 19th-century Southern slave. Judge Gibbs develops a strong romantic interest in public defender Kathy Baker (Liz Vassey), and dispatches an alligator to frighten Leanne into a divorce. Honest Sheriff Gary Hammond (Sam Robards) reacts to the loss of his late wife by stepping out as a ballroom dancer, and a dance instructor plots the overthrow of the Castro government. Meanwhile, an unseen character steals and explodes autos to protest pollution. Gibbs also has to deal with the Crowe family (Brent Briscoe, Beth Grant, Paul Vogt, Peter Allen Vogt, William Sanderson) of Southern slackers and yahoos.