Any Day Now is a drama directed by Travis Fine from a script he based on George Arthur Bloom’s script written over 30 years ago. The film was shot in the late summer of 2011. Set in 1979, it tells the story of a gay couple, played by Garret and Alan Cumming, who take in an abandoned boy with Down Syndrome. Garret plays Paul Fleiger, a closeted Deputy District Attorney, and Alan Cumming portrays Rudy Donatello, a drag performer. Isaac Leyva plays their adopted son Marco and Frances Fisher appears as the family court judge tasked with rendering a decision in the adoption case.
Set in the 1970s and inspired by a true story, the film chronicles a gay couple who take in a teenage boy with Down Syndrome who has been abandoned by his drug addicted mother. As the teen discovers the strong bonds of family for the first time in his life, disapproving authorities step in to tear the boy from the only stable environment he has ever known. As the gay men fight to adopt this extraordinary special needs child, they wage an unlikely and unforgettable battle against a system stacked against them.
“I’m a huge fan of the gritty, character-driven dramas that were made during the 1970?s,” said Fine . “’Any Day Now’ offers me an opportunity as a filmmaker to revisit that time period cinematically, address social issues that are just as relevant today as they were 35 years ago and explore unique characters who discover love in the most unlikely of places.”
Cumming plays Rudy Donatello, a brash, charismatic and world wise drag performer who makes the bold decision to take the abandoned child into his life. Dillahunt portrays Paul Fleiger, a closeted Deputy District Attorney, who risks his career to fight for the men he loves. Fisher plays a stern family court judge who is tasked with rendering a decision in the highly unconventional adoption case. And Any Day Now introduces Isaac Levya, an actor with Down Syndrome, who makes a stunning and remarkable film debut as Marco, a boy abandoned by his mother only to be taken in by two strangers who provide a safe, stable and loving home. — Hollywood News
Any Day Now premiered at the 2012 Tribeca Film Festival in April, where it won the Heineken Audience Award for narrative film.
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