Okay, since I haven’t posted that many updates last month (vacation) and news just keeps piling up, here is a quick roundup:
The Last House on the Left was released on DVD and Blu-ray
a couple of weeks ago. The region 2 DVD will be out on October 19.
The Road will premiere in Venice on September 3. That’s tomorrow. It will then be shown 10 days later (Sept. 13 & 14) in the Special Presentations program at the Toronto Film Festival. The listing is here. There are also rumours that it will be screened at Telluride (Sept. 4-7) so if you are in the Colorado area, keep an eye on the festival’s official site. The film opens wide on October 16.
Oliver Sherman starts filming in about a month. A couple of weeks ago, they were still casting a whole bunch of characters. The casting call is here.
On the TV front…
Life: Season Two was released on DVD on August 25. You can find a review and the DVD details here.
The Burn Notice season three finale will air some time in March. Ausiello at Entertainment Weekly describes Garret’s character as a “scary-smart new client of Michael’s (Jeffrey Donovan) — and perhaps the first person to outsmart him.”
Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles might still return as a movie. Here is what Thomas Dekker told the TV Addict the other day: “They’ve spoken about doing a TV movie. Well, not a TV movie, but kind of like a direct-to-DVD movie. Obviously it’s difficult because the show is based on a movie and they just had one come out, so it’s kind of hard to make a movie with our show because everyone has kind of forgotten about us. But they’re hoping, at least when I spoke to [Producer] James Middleton that’s where they are with it.”
The teaser for the CSI season premiere is online, as well as the press release and some pics from the episode (of Jorja Fox mostly). The show returns on September 24.
More updates as they come.