Terminator will not be returning on Fox

Fox revealed the fall/midseason schedule at the upfronts earlier today and Terminator is not on it. Fox Entertainment President Kevin Reilly said:

[Sarah Connor] has completed its run. I think it had a nice little run. It was a good show. It was not an either or [with Dollhouse]. We did see it tailing off a bit [in the ratings]. It had a nice creative core, but, ultimately, we made the bet on Dollhouse, so that’s it for [Sarah Connor]… We make no apologies. We gave it a lot of support and some consistent scheduling. We tried and thought it was time to move on.

In somewhat better news, the show’s executive SF geeks, Zack Stentz and Ashley Miller will be feeding lines to Mr. Spock himself next season on Fringe. No word on what Josh Friedman is up to next or whether any of the cast will be joining another show full time.

For updates on the cast & crew, add these to your bookmarks/readers:

Sarah Connor Society

Josh Friedman

Ashley Miller

Dan Thomsen

Dekker Daily


Hadley Klein