Filming dates & locations for Oliver Sherman

Just a quick note to say that Oliver Sherman starts filming on Tuesday.

Here is some info about the locations:

Filming will start Oct. 13 and run through to Nov. 14.

“The director and producer looked all over and decided on the North Bay area, and the Powassan area is going to give the look we need,” she said.

The production company has chosen the home belonging to Norville Rose on Kells Road as the exterior of the home of one of the central characters. A home on Pioneer Road has been chosen as the interior setting for the character.

“They’ll be filming for two weeks,” said mayor Barb Groves, whose son Terry’s home was selected for the interior shots. “It’s going to be exciting.”

According to Malik, the company is in the process of looking for an interior home location for another character.

Filming will take the crew of Oliver Sherman to Trout Creek, Englehart, Sturgeon Falls and North Bay. [Almaguin News]