New TV alert – Burn Notice 3×16 The Devil You Know

UPDATE: IMDb has the right character, but the wrong episode. Garret will appear in the season three finale, “The Devil You Know,” not in “Dressed to Kill.”


Some confusing news:

A new TV credit has appeared on the IMDb for an upcoming episode of Burn Notice, “Dressed to Kill,” which is either episode 3×13 or 3×14 (sources disagree). SpoilerTV has set pics dated August 21, which corresponds with the filming of the season three finale, “Devil You Know,” which is ep 3×16.

The casting call for “Dressed to Kill” doesn’t mention a Simon (Garret’s character, as listed on IMDb), but there is a character with that name mentioned in the casting call for a different character in ep 3×16:

[MANAGEMENT] Male, Caucasian, 45-60 years old, POWERFUL, DANGEROUS AND INTIMIDATING, he works for the person who rigged Michael’s file and burned him years ago. He’s taken aback by Michael’s assertion that Simon (the man who really committed the crimes in Michael’s file) has escaped and is after him and his boss. They agree to Michael’s plan, but threaten to end him if anything goes awry…GUEST STAR. PLEASE SUBMIT ACTORS WITH STRONG CREDITS ONLY.

Here is the plotline:

Michael is forced to team up with the psychotic criminal who actually committed the crimes that Management used to burn Michael.

So either the IMDb has the wrong episode or it’s a recurring role. More likely, IMDb messed up and Garret shows up only in 3×16.

Here are the set pics, with John Mahoney and Jeffrey Donovan:

Garret Dillahunt,John Mahoney,Burn Notice,spoilers

Garret Dillahunt, Burn Notice,Jeffrey Donovan

Garret Dillahunt,Burn Notice,Jeffrey Donovan

For all the pics, go to SpoilerTV.

Burn Notice is currently on a break and will return in January 2010.