Some television news:
Garret will guest star on CSI again in the season 10 opener, Family Affair. He will play Tom O’Neill, the head of a celebrity security service who gets a visit from the CSI team after a client’s girlfriend is killed in a car accident. (For clips from his previous appearances on CSI and CSI: NY, click on CSI 3×18 and CSI: NY 1×23.)
SpoilerTV has the casting call for the episode here. Be warned, character descriptions contain plot spoilers.
EW’s Ausiello also has some general spoilers for the new season in his last column. Highlight the text below to read:
Question: Will Grissom be joining Sara back on CSI early in the season? –Lois
Ausiello: No, but some old friends of his will be. Exec producer Carol Mendelsohn reveals to me exclusively that CSI will be bringing back a few members of the infamous Millander clan in this season’s second episode. “The last time we saw [serial killer] Paul Millander was in season 2 when Grissom had dinner at [his alter ego] Judge Mason’s house, because, if you remember Paul lived a double life as a judge. And we met Mrs. Mason and their young son, Craig. Well, Paul’s dead, but Mrs. Mason and Craig live on. And we will see them in episode 2.” Why? Keep reading for a possible clue…Question: The season premiere of CSI is only two months away. I’m sure that you’ve gotten some kind of spoiler or tidbit to throw to us! –Andy and Rebecca
Ausiello: You can drop the “or.” I’ve got a spoiler and a tidbit, courtesy of exec producer Naren Shankar. First the tidbit: “You’re going to get an explanation for that ring Langston (Laurence Fishburne) still has on his finger in [episode 2].” Now for the spoiler: “We’re going to launch a new season-long serial killer arc this season. Starting at the end of our premiere, a brand new nemesis [will emerge] who has a very unique way of killing.” More unique than that whole miniature thing? “This time, the crime scene is always the body,” Shankar teases. “We’re calling him Dr. Jekyll.” [AusielloFiles]
The CSI season 10 premiere will air on September 24 at 9 on CBS.
Check back soon for some film news.